- All test takers must have an acceptable and valid photo ID (e.g. passport, ID card, drivers license) to be admitted to the testing room.
- All test takers must report to the testing room at least 10 minutes before the test begins.
- Books, dictionaries, papers, notes, mobile phones, listening devices, recording or photographic equipment, or aids of any kind are not allowed in the testing room.
- Calculators without memory are allowed (only with functions of +, -, ×, ÷, %, √, MR, MC, M+, M-, trigonometry, logarithm, exponent)
- Blank scratch sheets will be distributed during the test. At the end of the test, test takers will be required to return their scratch sheets to the test supervisor.
- Test takers must have the test supervisor or proctor’s permission to leave the testing room. Any lost time cannot be made up.
- Test takers who violates above rules will be disqualified for the test.